SCIFIT® REX™ Recumbent Elliptical

The REX Recumbent Elliptical provides smooth elliptical movement for an efficient total-body exercise that is meant to reduce tension and improve muscle activation in exercisers.

Delivery Truck

Arrives 5-7 weeks

Model: REX7001-INT


The REX Recumbent Elliptical provides smooth elliptical movement for an efficient total-body exercise that is meant to reduce tension and improve muscle activation in exercisers.


    The REX has a swivel seat for easy entry and very low starting resistance for those who need to progress from lower fitness levels or rehabilitation. It also has footbeds with a safety edge to help keep exercisers’ feet from slipping outside.
    The REX focuses on knee-to-elbow core exercise to improve core balance and stability. Bi directional exercise allows exercisers to train in two directions, or planes, rather than just one—giving a more comprehensive workout. Dual-position handles also allow for muscle engagement changes on the fly .

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Power Requirments
Self generation; low voltage AC adapter included
Max user weight
Unit Weight
Unit Size (L x W x H)
73″ x 28″ x 55″
Charcoal Frame / Cool Gray Cover
Assembled in USA
1 Year
Starting Resistance
6 watts
Resistance Range
191 levels of resistance – 20 levels adjustable in .1 increments
Resistance System
3 phase combination generator and eddy current brake – largest watt range in the industry
Transport Wheels
Console Programs
Quick Start, Manual, Heart Rate, Stress Test, Fit-Quick, Hills, Randome, Constant Work – METs, Constant Work – Watts, Iso-Strength

Life Fitness has been a pioneer in fitness equipment, innovating across cardio equipment, connected consoles, digital content and connected strength equipment.

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